Amigurumi of the month: February 2016

Hy guys,

I know this is 2 days late. I was helping a friend move and had no internet during that time – so there was no real possibility to post this. However, here it is:

Last month I put much effort in imagining new articles for the shop and tried to focus on the presentation more than I did before. My camera isn’t the best and I don’t really have a spot in my place where I could take a decent photo. So maybe you can imagine what kept me busy in February. But I also tried to crochet a lot of things. You can see (almost) all of my previous amigurumis at my DeviantArt 🙂

But let’s get to the amigurumi that I chose to be my amigurumi of the month: Igglybuff. I think it turned out pretty cute! I am also working on a pattern for it at the moment that I will upload as soon as it is finished 😉


I hope you liked my very own version of Igglybuff and that you stay tuned for the next month 🙂

Best regards,

Bathing time!

Hy there,

Today I thought I might share a new experience with you. My beloved Panko was a little dirty (and by a little I mean a lottle) but I was really afraid of washing him because I thought he might be less fluffy afterwards. Well, he wasn’t. Rather Panko gained even more of his former fluffiness! *-* Here’s some pictures of the progress:

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When Panko was soaked full with water he was really, really heavy. That made brushing his paws a little harder but it was possible though 🙂 I used normal soap, a brush (for dishes) and a washcloth to clean him.

Drying takes a long time because the alpacas get really really soaked up with water. I wrung Panko out when he was in the sink but it still takes a lot of time to get him dry. As soon as he stopped dripping I took him off the drying rack and put him on the heating. After that he was as cuddly as ever and smelled really good too 😀 I even cuddled him in the same night.

ATTENTION: I found out after that, that putting your paca on the heating will shrink the stuffing and you’ll have to restuff your friend if he gets to floppy. So please only dry with air + sunlight if you don’t feel like restuffing =) 

So that’s everything I know about washing Alpacassos. I guess one last tip would be to brush the snout, ears and paws when they’re wet because I think it will make a difference to the smoothness when you don’t.

Best regards,

NES Controller Couch Pillow

Told you there’d be couch pillows! Here’s the first one:

It is inspired by the NES Controller. And it’s not only nice to look at but also to lay on! The filling pillow is super comfortable, so with the fleece pillow cover it’s only getting better 😀

Making it was kind of hard work, not because pillows are particularly hard to make, but because it has so many sole parts that all have to be cut out nicely. I am kind of a dork with scissors so it was difficult for me to cut everything smoothly, but it worked! It has a total of 15 parts plus the pillow inside. Of course, this piece is available on Etsy.

I think it turned out OK but I will need to widen the next one, so that there is more of the light gray border. Because if you look at the pillow from the front, you can merely see a little bit of it.

Best regards,

Meet the models ^ᴗ^

Hello there,

Today, my new two alpacas finally arrived! They’re really wonderful and I love them. But take a look yourselves:


They are both sitting on the couch pillow I mentioned in the post of the 29th of August. It is available on Etsy. As you might or might not see, it’s a sushi roll. I think it’s really cute and with 40*15cm it’s really comfortable too.
Anyways, the two alpacas are really cute but sadly not for cuddling. You haven’t seen Panko in a while, but I can assure you he is cuddled with every night and well… You can see that 😀
The thing is that the snout and the legs get kinda grey by and by. And that’s nothing I have been able to fix with washing. Also he’s a rainbow alpaca which makes showing coloured clothing kinda hard. So that’s what these two cutie pies are here for. And I’m pretty sure they’ll be doing a good job ^^

Maybe I can give you a little foretaste of what will (maybe) come. Because all the following things are just ideas and have yet to be tested and made!
I am thinking of something royal and of a little pirate costume too. Also, there will of course be a Halloween special! Also, I am thinking of using this Internet trend as an inspiration…

So let’s stay curious!
Oh, by the way – the two alpacas do not have names yet. I can’t manage to come up with two really good names, but I will tell you when I have!

See you then,

Goodbye examination period!

Hello everyone!

Today I can finally say “Goodbye exams” and Oh my god does it feel good to say that. The last weeks I spent a lot of time repeating all the things I needed to know for my exams. There was a whole lot of math to do but I guess I am finally done ! Well, at least for the next two weeks.
That means that the next two weeks will consist of sewing, sewing, maybe crocheting, and even more sewing! I will of course present you the couch pillow just like I promised and will be doing some more couch pillows – because everyone has a couch and cool couch pillows are just awesome. Plus, you can use them as normal pillows if you’re daring enough 😀

I guess I’ll see you then,

Best regards,

Updating: August 29th

Hello there,

It’s been a little while since my last post so I felt the urge to update you on what has happened. First thing:
I made a Gentleman Alpaca Set which is now available on Etsy.

I think it turned out pretty neat. Also, it has become Pankos everyday wear since I made it and he’s so super cute wearing it! x”>

Second thing:
I’ve had orders! Two of them! One was for a pair of Dango earrings and the other one for the Urf the Nami tee Cosplay that I made. So yesterday I sent them 🙂 It was really, really exciting to have my first official customers and I am super happy that I managed everything in time.

That’s actually everything that really happened, I didn’t manage to make new articles because of the exams that take place in ca. a week. Well, besides one new article but that one I will show you later. You can of course also check it out on Etsy. But, just to give a little foretaste: There will be various pillows being added – stay tight! 😉

As always: Best regards,

A new accessory for alpacas

Hello everyone!

Today I want to show you what filled my morning: I had the idea that all these super cute bows you always see in animes would also look super cute on alpacas.
So I made my way into my room and worked a little and a lottle and out came these two bows:


How do you like them? I think they turned out pretty cute, but I guess they don’t suit rainbow alpacas as good as unicolored ones. However, they still fit and I hope you like them as much as I do.

Best regards,

PS: Want a bow for your alpaca? Buy one here!

Presenting Panko – Meet my fluffy friend

Hello everyone,

Today I’d like to present Panko to you. Despite his name, I am not talking about the Japanese breadcrumbs – although that is where his name comes from.

As you can see, Panko (the breadcrumbs) is pretty awesome – It tastes great and in the right picture you’ll notice it to be all fuzzy. Now that is why my Panko is called Panko.

Panko, to make it short, is my fluffy alpaca which was recently bought at the Gamescom. I absolutely adore him. He is so fluffy and sweet and cute and awesome and I can’t get tired of him. He is a so-called Rainbow Alpaca made by Alpacasso. There are several shops on the internet where you can buy these cute little guys but as I said mine was bought at Gamescom 2015.

Now in his everyday life, of course, he doesn’t wear any clothes.

Because he’s an alpaca.

Well, but of course under the circumstances of being introduced to some people, I couldn’t let him wear nothing. So I sat myself at the sewing machine and made him a cute little collar with a tie. He looks just so handsome now, don’t you think?

IMG_20150816_144336[1] Panko_n_tie

Now I hope you liked this little introduction and am leaving you with – of course –

Best regards,

Day #1 – The shop has been opened!

Hello everyone!

Yesterday I spent  the whole day on my very first Etsy Shop – LuckyPacaDesigns! I was photographing everything that was laying around that I’m going to make on comission. I put in the products, I researched about the shipping cost and – although that is for a friend and not for a shop – I worked on a scarf looking like an Espeon – I will share that one later!

Anyways, opening the shop has been super exiting and I’m really happy I finally did. It’s always been my dream to have my own little shop where I could sell the things I made. And although this one’s not all my own (since it’s on Etsy) I feel a lot more closer to my aim!

So, in a nutshell: The shop has opened, everyone can visit it, I am happy and in 10 minutes I need to leave because I have an appointment on learning Math <.< That’s why I need to stop writing now and say:

Best regards!

Hello World!

Hello everyone and welcome to my Blog!

My name is Hannah and I am a 19 year old girl from Germany. My biggest passion is crafting. Whether it’s sewing or crocheting or anything: I love making the stuff that comes to my mind. And today I decided that it was time to share my crafts and also my life with the rest of the world. So welcome again and please forgive me if I sometimes use bad English.

The best of regards,
